
Maintenance Cart

This portable cart is specifically designed to allow easy disassembly of the Immersion Mill when cleaning, changing media, screens or pegs. The cart is built to operate interchangeably with all models. It is easy to move since it is mounted on casters. This also simplifies re-alignment of the machine.

Features & Benefits

  •  Specifically designed for easy disassembly of the Immersion Mill during cleaning, media, screen, or peg changes.
  • Compatible with all models, offering interchangeability.
  • Mounted on casters for effortless mobility.
  • Simplifies realignment of the machine.


  • Lab technician mixing a batch of paint with a laboratory milling machine.

    Customer Testing-Applications Lab

    Don’t trust promises, trust results! Hockmeyer offers it’s Customer Service Laboratory to show you exactly how our equipment will increase your product quality and efficiency!

  • Test-To-Own Demo Program

    Hockmeyer machines are guaranteed to enhance your process. Before purchasing equipment, schedule an appointment with our Lab Technicians and see how machines meet your process needs.

A Hockmeyer employee reviewing testing results.

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At Hockmeyer, we're committed to making your product the highest quality possible, whether you need milling, mixing, dispersion or agitation. Schedule your product to be tested in one of our demo machines and see the Hockmeyer difference for yourself.

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