Vessel Washer

CMX-200 Vessel Washer

The Hockmeyer CMX-200 efficiently cleans practically any size tank, tote, or drum. The rotating brush and spray nozzle assembly provides the mechanical scrubbing and soaking action to effectively clean vessels. This design improves productivity and profitability. It also provides a closed system during operation to control solvent vapors and handling of hazardous compounds.

Machine Features

  • Steel construction
  • Dual high-pressure hydraulic hoists to raise and lower machine on recirculating ball bearing guides
  • Skid mounted for ease of installation.
  • All hydraulic and solvent connections installed, and factory tested
  • PLC control station with keypad display in NEMA 4 cabinet
  • One-piece brush bracket to allow quick changes from large to small brush assemblies
  • Safe control system for XP environments
  • Cleans vessels 36 to 60 inches from 36 to 58 inches tall with options for larger machines available
  • An intrinsically safe programmable control system
  • Baseline tilting assembly to ensure ease of drainage
  • Lid liner can be of Polyethylene or Teflon construction
  • Custom brush assemblies available for special applications

Read our article The Merits of Safe and Efficient Cleaning of Process Vessels In A Manufacturing Setting to learn how the CMX-200 can benefit your facility.



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